There are at present shut to 250 nursing journals worldwide!  The International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE) and Nurse Author & Editorjointly publish a comprehensive vetted directory nursing journals .  While all of the journals in the INANE Directory are legitimate journals that publish nursing content related to practice, instruction, policy, administration and/or specialty areas, in that location are a number (shown beneath) that focus primarily on nursing knowledge and the processes by which nursing knowledge is developed. The information here is extracted from the Directory of Nursing Journals.

Advances in Nursing Science (ANS)

Purpose: to contribute to the development of nursing science and to promote the application of emerging theories and research findings to exercise. Articles deal with whatsoever of the processes of science, including inquiry, theory evolution, concept analysis, practical awarding of research and theory, and investigation of the values and ethics that influence the practice and research endeavors of nursing sciences

Applied Nursing Research

Presents original, peer-reviewed inquiry findings clearly and directly for clinical applications in all nursing specialties. Regular features include "Ask the Experts," enquiry briefs, clinical methods, book reviews, news and announcements, and an editorial section. Applied Nursing Enquiry covers such areas as pain management, patient instruction, discharge planning, nursing diagnosis, task stress in nursing, nursing influence on length of infirmary stay, and nurse/physician collaboration.

Canadian Journal of Nursing Research

A quarterly refereed peer-review publication, CJNR accepts quality quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method manuscripts on a broad spectrum of topics that include, but are not limited to clinical, psychosocial, biological, educational, models of intendance, health services, and wellness systems research studies. CJNR besides welcomes curt research reports, systematic reviews, clinical and/or conceptual papers, current issues, editorials, and commentaries that are of special interest to nursing.

International Journal for Human Caring

Serves as a scholarly forum for nurses to advance knowledge of care and caring within the discipline of nursing, collaboration with other disciplines that besides use intendance and caring noesis in human relationships, and systematic investigation of care and caring knowledge.

International Journal of Nursing Knowledge

The Periodical aims to clarify the noesis base of nursing and ameliorate patient safety past developing and disseminating nursing diagnoses and standardized nursing languages, and promoting their clinical use. It seeks to encourage pedagogy in clinical reasoning, diagnosis and cess and ensure global consistency in conceptual languages.

International Journal of Nursing Studies

A forum for publication of scholarly papers that report enquiry findings, enquiry-based reviews, word papers and commentaries which are of interest to an international readership of practitioners, educators, administrators and researchers in all areas of nursing, midwifery and the caring sciences. Papers should accost bug of international interest and concern and present the study in the context of the existing international research base on the topic. Those which focus on a single land should identify how the material presented might be relevant to a wider audience and how it contributes to the international knowledge base. Selection of papers for publication is based on their scientific excellence, distinctive contribution to cognition (including methodological evolution) and their importance to contemporary nursing, midwifery or related professions.

International Nursing Review inr cover

A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that focuses predominantly on nursing and health policy bug of relevance to nurses. INR welcomes original articles that help to forwards ICN's global mission by representing nursing, advancing the profession and shaping health policy. ICN too contributes to the ongoing development of nursing internationally with its regular section on International Perspectives. The diverse international readership of INR is located in more than 130 countries*. Published both in hard copy and online, INR is a key resource for nurses and wellness policy makers worldwide. INR encourages unsolicited original manuscripts where nurses describe the policy relevance of their work and document their experience and enquiry. Authors are encouraged to develop a 'global intelligence' on nursing and to address INR's various audition by exploring beyond local or national interests to the more full general, global application of the principles underlying their piece of work. Groundwork information on the local arrangements for nursing and health care in a country also provides useful context for this global readership. Policy concerns of this journal are as follows: regulation of the profession, workplace bug, innovations in practice, patient safe, quality improvement teaching, ideals, nurses' and midwives' work-life experiences, and the impact of globalization.

Japan Periodical of Nursing Science

JHQ welcomes submissions by writers from all sectors of the healthcare quality field. The journal publishes manufactures on administration and management (including designing of organizations and roles), performance measurement and improvement, behavioral healthcare quality, compliance, evidence-based practice, hurting management, accreditation issues and successes, information systems and direction, knowledge management, innovations in healthcare, education'south motility to quality, regime affairs and policy making, patient and staff safety, inquiry in healthcare quality, continuum of intendance, and global and international bug.

Journal of Advanced Nursing

JAN contributes to the advancement of show-based nursing, midwifery and healthcare by disseminating high quality inquiry and scholarship of contemporary relevance and with potential to advance knowledge for practice, education, management or policy. All Jan papers are required to have a sound scientific, evidential, theoretical or philosophical base of operations and to exist critical, questioning and scholarly in approach.  As an international journal, JAN promotes diversity of inquiry and scholarship in terms of civilization, paradigm and healthcare context.  For JAN 'south worldwide readership, authors are expected to brand articulate the wider international relevance of their piece of work and to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural considerations and differences.

Journal of Clinical Nursing

An international, peer reviewed, scientific journal that seeks to promote the evolution and exchange of knowledge that is direct relevant to all spheres of nursing exercise. The chief aim is to promote a high standard of clinically related scholarship which supports the practice and discipline of nursing. The Periodical too aims to promote the international exchange of ideas and feel that draws from the unlike cultures in which practice takes place. Further, JCN seeks to enrich insight into clinical need and the implications for nursing intervention and models of service commitment. Accent is placed on promoting disquisitional debate on the fine art and science of nursing practice.

Journal of Holistic Nursing

 A pioneering force in integrating holistic health concepts with traditional Western medicine. The peer-reviewed journal promotes holism—a state of harmony among trunk, heed, emotions, and spirit —and nursing'south role inside that always-changing environment. Manuscripts are solicited that bargain with the processes of knowledge development and awarding including inquiry, concept analysis and theory development, practical applications of research and theory, clinical instance studies and analysis, practice applications in full general, educational approaches and evaluation, and aesthetic expressions of holistic knowledge.  While the journal seeks to back up work grounded in evidence, the editorial philosophy suggests that there are many various sources of "evidence" across the realm of what is chosen "empirical" and that many methods are appropriate for discovering prove and generating knowledge.

Journal of Nursing Scholarship

A peer-reviewed journal, published half-dozen times per year for subscribers and members of the honor society of nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International. Scholarly works are invited in the areas of clinical scholarship, health policy and systems, profession and society and world health. The mission of JNS is to advance knowledge to improve the wellness of the world's people. Nosotros are, therefore, nearly interested in receiving manuscripts that provide new noesis designed to improve nursing practice globally.

Nursing Forum

A peer-reviewed quarterly journal that invites original manuscripts that explore, explicate or report issues, ideas, trends and innovations that shape the nursing profession. Inquiry manuscripts should emphasize the implications rather than the methods or analysis. Quality improvement manuscripts should emphasize the outcomes and follow the SQUIRE Guidelines in creating the manuscript. Show-based manuscripts should emphasize the findings and implications for practice and follow PICOT format. Concept analysis manuscripts should emphasize the testify for support of the concept and follow an accepted format for such analyses.

Nursing Inquiry

An international peer-reviewed Journal of involvement to nurses, health care professionals, social scientists and health policy makers on ideas and issues pertaining to nursing and healthcare. Established as a vehicle for disquisitional reflection and noun dialogue on topics of emerging interest internationally, it aims to foster debate and dialogue, accelerate new conceptualizations, and challenge current idea on a broad range of nursing and health phenomena. The Journal publishes original research, discussion papers, review manufactures and commentaries on topics consequent with its aims and scope. The journal aims to stimulate examination of nursing's electric current and emerging practices, conditions and contexts inside an expanding international customs of ideas. The journal aspires to excite thinking and stimulate activity toward a preferred future for wellness and healthcare by encouraging critical reflection and lively contend on matters affecting and influenced past nursing from a range of disciplinary angles, scientific perspectives, analytic approaches, social locations and philosophical positions.

Nursing Outlook

A bi-monthly journal, provides innovative ideas for nursing leaders through peer-reviewed articles and timely reports. Each issue examines electric current issues and trends in nursing practice, teaching and research, offering progressive solutions to the challenges facing the profession. As the official journal of the American Academy of Nursing the journal supports the mission to serve the public and the nursing profession by advancing health policy and practice through the generation, synthesis, and dissemination of nursing noesis.

Nursing Philosophy

Provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues in nursing. These focus on questions relating to the nature of nursing and to the phenomena of primal relevance to information technology. For example, any understanding of what nursing is presupposes some conception of just what nurses are trying to do when they nurse. Only what are the ends of nursing? Are they to promote health, forestall disease, promote well-being, enhance autonomy, relieve suffering, or some combination of these? How are these ends are to be met? What kind of knowledge is needed in order to nurse? Practical, theoretical, aesthetic, moral, political, 'intuitive' or another? Papers that explore other aspects of philosophical enquiry and analysis of relevance to nursing (and whatever other healthcare or social care activeness) are also welcome and might include, but non exist limited to, critical discussions of the work of nurse theorists who have advanced philosophical claims (e.g., Benner, Benner and Wrubel, Carper, Schrok, Watson, Parse and then on) as well as disquisitional engagement with philosophers (due east.chiliad., Heidegger, Husserl, Kuhn, Polanyi, Taylor, MacIntyre and so on) whose work informs health care in general and nursing in particular.

Nursing Research

A peer-reviewed journal celebrating over sixty years as the most sought-after nursing resource; it offers more depth, more item, and more than of what today's nurses demand. Nursing Research covers fundamental issues, including health promotion, human responses to illness, acute care nursing research, symptom management, cost-effectiveness, vulnerable populations, health services, and community-based nursing studies. Each upshot highlights the latest research techniques, quantitative and qualitative studies, and new state-of-the-fine art methodological strategies, including data not notwithstanding found in textbooks. Expert commentaries and briefs are too included. In addition to 6 bug per year, Nursing Enquiry from time to time publishes supplemental content not found anywhere else.

Nursing Science Quarterly

A peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development, nursing theory-based do and quantitative and qualitative enquiry related to existing nursing frameworks, contributed by the leading theorists, researchers and nurse executives.

Research and Theory for Nursing Practice

Focuses on issues relevant to improving nursing exercise, education, and patient intendance. The articles strive to discuss knowledge development in its broadest sense, reflect research using a diversity of methodological approaches, and combine several methods and strategies in a single report. Because of the periodical's international emphasis, commodity contributors accost the implications of their studies for an international audition. Former periodical title: Scholarly Enquiry for Nursing Exercise.

Research in Nursing & Wellness

A peer-reviewed, general research periodical devoted to publication of a wide range of research and advances in research methods to build knowledge that informs the practise of nursing and other wellness disciplines. The editors invite research reports on health intendance practise, pedagogy, administration, and history; on health problems relevant to nursing and other clinical professions; and on the testing of research findings in practise. Papers on research methods and techniques are appropriate if they go across what is already mostly available in the literature. Theory papers are accepted if derived directly from enquiry findings. Research reviews are accepted if conducted systematically using reproducible methods; please consult guidelines for review papers. Letters to the editor commenting on published manufactures or inquiry and theory bug are welcome. Authors are urged to seek colleague peer review prior to submission of manuscripts.

Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Scientific discipline

Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science is the periodical of the Society of Rogerian Scholars (SRS). The mission of the SRS is to advance nursing science through an emphasis on the Science of Unitary Human Beings. The focus of the society is instruction, research, and practise in service to humankind.

Western Journal of Nursing Research

Peer-reviewed journal published 10 times a yr providing an innovative forum for nurse researchers, students and clinical practitioners to participate in ongoing scholarly debate. WJNR offers clinical research reports broadened by commentaries and authors' responses. The journal is devoted to the dissemination of research studies, volume reviews, discussion and contend, and meeting calendars, all directed to a general nursing audience. Contributions are accustomed from inside and outside the United States.

Worldviews on Prove-Based Nursing

A chief source of data for using evidence-based nursing do to amend patient care by featuring: noesis synthesis manufactures with best practice applications and recommendations for linking evidence to action in real world practice, administrative, teaching and policy settings; original manufactures and features that nowadays large-scale studies, which challenge and develop the knowledge base of operations about evidence-based exercise in nursing and healthcare; special features and columns with information geared to readers' diverse roles: clinical practice, education, inquiry, policy and administration/leadership; commentaries near electric current show-based exercise issues and developments; a forum that encourages readers to engage in an ongoing dialogue on critical issues and questions in prove-based nursing; reviews of the latest publications and resource on evidence-based nursing and healthcare; news about professional person organizations, conferences and other activities around the world related to evidence-based nursing; links to other globalevidence-based nursing resource and organizations