What Is a Baby Chicken That Is Brown and Has Stripes Called

Subspecies of domesticated bird

Male and female chicken sitting together.jpg
A rooster (left) and hen (correct) perching on a roost

Conservation status


Scientific nomenclature edit
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Form: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family unit: Phasianidae
Genus: Gallus

1000. domesticus

Binomial name
Gallus domesticus

(Linnaeus, 1758)

GLW 2 global distributions of c) chickens.tif
Chicken distribution

The craven (Gallus domesticus) is a domesticated bird, with attributes of wild species such every bit the red and grey junglefowl[one] that are originally from Southeastern Asia. Rooster or cock is a term for an adult male bird, and a younger male person may exist chosen a cockerel. A male person that has been castrated is a capon. An developed female bird is called a hen and a sexually immature female is called a pullet.

Originally raised for cockfighting or for special ceremonies, chickens were not kept for nutrient until the Hellenistic menstruum (fourth–2d centuries BC).[two] [3] Humans at present continue chickens primarily equally a source of food (consuming both their meat and eggs) and equally pets.

Chickens are one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a full population of 23.7 billion equally of 2018[update],[4] upwardly from more than 19 billion in 2011.[5] There are more chickens in the earth than any other bird.[5] There are numerous cultural references to chickens – in myth, sociology and religion, and in language and literature.

Genetic studies accept pointed to multiple maternal origins in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East asia,[6] but the clade found in the Americas, Europe, the Center E and Africa originated from the Indian subcontinent. From ancient India, the chicken spread to Lydia in western Asia Minor, and to Greece past the 5th century BC.[vii] Fowl have been known in Arab republic of egypt since the mid-15th century BC, with the "bird that gives birth every day" having come up from the country betwixt Syria and Shinar, Babylonia, co-ordinate to the annals of Thutmose III.[viii] [9] [ten]


An developed male is a called a 'cock' or 'rooster' (in the United states) and an adult female is called a 'hen'.[11] [12]

Other terms are:

  • 'Biddy:' a newly hatched chicken[13] [14]
  • 'Capon:' a castrated or neutered male person chicken[a]
  • 'Chick:' a immature craven[fifteen]
  • 'Chook' : a chicken (Australia, breezy)[xvi]
  • 'Cockerel:' a young male chicken less than a twelvemonth former[17]
  • 'Pullet:' a immature female chicken less than a twelvemonth former.[eighteen] In the poultry industry, a pullet is a sexually immature chicken less than 22 weeks of age.[19]
  • 'Yardbird:' a chicken (southern United States, dialectal)[20]

"Chicken" was originally a term but for an young, or at least young, bird.[ when? ] However, thanks to its usage on eating place menus, it has now become the near common term for the subspecies in general, peculiarly in American English. In older sources, 'chicken' equally a species were typically referred to as 'mutual fowl' or 'domestic fowl'.[21]

'Chicken' may also hateful a 'chick' (meet for example Hen and Craven Islands).[22]


Co-ordinate to Merriam-Webster, the term "rooster" (i.e. a roosting bird) originated in the mid- or late 18th century every bit a euphemism to avoid the sexual connotation of the original English "erect",[23] [24] [25] and is widely used throughout North America. "Roosting" is the activeness of perching aloft to sleep at dark.[26]

Full general biology and habitat

In virtually breeds the adult rooster tin can be distinguished from the hen by his larger comb.

Chickens are omnivores.[27] In the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects, and even animals as big as lizards, small-scale snakes,[28] or sometimes immature mice.[29]

The average chicken may live for v–x years, depending on the brood.[30] The earth's oldest known chicken lived 16 years according to Guinness World Records.[31]

Diagram of a chicken skull.

Eggs from different breeds

Roosters can usually be differentiated from hens past their hit plumage of long flowing tails and shiny, pointed feathers on their necks ('hackles') and backs ('saddle'), which are typically of brighter, bolder colours than those of females of the same breed. Withal, in some breeds, such as the Sebright chicken, the rooster has only slightly pointed neck feathers, the same color as the hen'due south. The identification can be made past looking at the rummage, or eventually from the evolution of spurs on the male's legs (in a few breeds and in certain hybrids, the male and female person chicks may be differentiated by colour). Adult chickens have a fleshy crest on their heads called a comb, or cockscomb, and hanging flaps of pare either side under their beaks called wattles. Collectively, these and other fleshy protuberances on the head and throat are chosen caruncles. Both the adult male and female accept wattles and combs, but in most breeds these are more prominent in males. A 'muff' or 'beard' is a mutation institute in several chicken breeds which causes extra feathering under the chicken'due south face, giving the appearance of a beard.[32]

Domestic chickens are not capable of long-distance flight, although lighter chickens are generally capable of flying for curt distances, such as over fences or into trees (where they would naturally roost). Chickens may occasionally fly briefly to explore their environs, only generally exercise then but to flee perceived danger.


Hen with chicks, Portugal

Chickens are gregarious birds and alive together in flocks. They have a communal approach to the incubation of eggs and raising of young. Private chickens in a flock will boss others, establishing a "pecking society", with dominant individuals having priority for food access and nesting locations. Removing hens or roosters from a flock causes a temporary disruption to this social order until a new pecking lodge is established. Calculation hens, especially younger birds, to an existing flock can lead to fighting and injury.[33]

When a rooster finds nutrient, he may phone call other chickens to eat first. He does this by clucking in a high pitch every bit well as picking upwardly and dropping the nutrient. This behaviour may too be observed in mother hens to call their chicks and encourage them to eat.

A rooster'due south crowing is a loud and sometimes shrill call and sends a territorial signal to other roosters.[34] However, roosters may also crow in response to sudden disturbances inside their surroundings. Hens cluck loudly afterward laying an egg, and likewise to call their chicks. Chickens besides give unlike alarm calls when they sense a predator budgeted from the air or on the ground.[35]


Roosters almost always commencement crowing before four months of historic period. Although information technology is possible for a hen to crow too, crowing (together with hackles development) is one of the clearest signs of being a rooster.[36]

Rooster exultation contests

Rooster exultation contests, also known as crowing contests, are a traditional sport in several countries, such as Deutschland, the Netherlands, Belgium,[37] the U.s., Republic of indonesia and Nihon. The oldest contests are held with longcrowers. Depending on the breed, either the duration of the crowing or the times the rooster crows within a certain time is measured.


To initiate courting, some roosters may trip the light fantastic in a circle around or near a hen ("a circle trip the light fantastic"), often lowering the wing which is closest to the hen.[38] The dance triggers a response in the hen[38] and when she responds to his "call," the rooster may mount the hen and go on with the mating.

More specifically, mating typically involves the following sequence:

  1. Male budgeted the hen
  2. Male person pre-copulatory waltzing
  3. Male waltzing
  4. Female crouching (receptive posture) or stepping aside or running abroad (if unwilling to copulate)
  5. Male mounting
  6. Male treading with both anxiety on hen's back
  7. Male tail bending (following successful copulation)[39]

Nesting and laying behaviour

Craven eggs vary in colour depending on the breed, and sometimes, the hen, typically ranging from bright white to shades of brownish and even blueish, green, light pinkish and recently reported regal (found in Southern asia) (Araucana varieties).

Chicks before their get-go outing

Hens will often endeavor to lay in nests that already contain eggs and have been known to motility eggs from neighbouring nests into their own. The result of this behaviour is that a flock volition apply only a few preferred locations, rather than having a different nest for every bird. Hens will frequently limited a preference to lay in the same location. Information technology is non unknown for two (or more) hens to try to share the same nest at the same time. If the nest is small, or one of the hens is particularly determined, this may outcome in chickens trying to lay on superlative of each other. There is show that individual hens prefer to be either lonely or gregarious nesters.[twoscore]

A chick sitting in a person's paw


Under natural atmospheric condition, most birds lay but until a clutch is consummate, and they volition and then incubate all the eggs. Hens are then said to "go broody". The broody hen will terminate laying and instead volition focus on the incubation of the eggs (a full clutch is usually about 12 eggs). She volition "sit down" or "set" on the nest, fluff upwardly or pecking in defense if disturbed or removed. The hen will rarely leave the nest to swallow, drinkable, or grit-bathe.[41] While brooding, the hen maintains the nest at a abiding temperature and humidity, as well as turning the eggs regularly during the start role of the incubation. To stimulate broodiness, owners may place several artificial eggs in the nest. To discourage it, they may place the hen in an elevated cage with an open wire floor.

Skull of a 3-calendar week-old chicken. Here the opisthotic os appears in the occipital region, every bit in the developed Chelonian. bo = Basi-occipital, bt = Basi-temporal, eo = Opisthotic, f = Frontal, fm = Foramen magnum, fo = Fontanella, oc = Occipital condyle, op = Opisthotic, p = Parietal, pf = Post-frontal, sc = Sinus canal in supra-occipital, so = Supra-occpital, sq = Squamosal, eight = Exit of vagus nervus.

Breeds artificially developed for egg production rarely get broody, and those that do frequently finish part-way through the incubation. Nevertheless, other breeds, such as the Cochin, Cornish and Silkie, do regularly go broody, and make splendid mothers, non only for chicken eggs but likewise for those of other species — even those with much smaller or larger eggs and dissimilar incubation periods, such as quail, pheasants, ducks, turkeys, or geese.

Hatching and early life

Fertile chicken eggs hatch at the finish of the incubation catamenia, nigh 21 days.[38] Development of the chick starts just when incubation begins, so all chicks hatch within a day or two of each other, despite perhaps being laid over a menstruum of two weeks or so. Before hatching, the hen tin hear the chicks peeping inside the eggs, and will gently cluck to stimulate them to break out of their shells. The chick begins by "pipping"; pecking a breathing pigsty with its egg molar towards the blunt stop of the egg, normally on the upper side. The chick so rests for some hours, arresting the remaining egg yolk and withdrawing the blood supply from the membrane beneath the crush (used earlier for breathing through the shell). The chick then enlarges the hole, gradually turning round equally information technology goes, and somewhen severing the blunt end of the shell completely to make a lid. The chick crawls out of the remaining shell, and the wet down dries out in the warmth of the nest.

Hens usually remain on the nest for about 2 days after the first chick hatches, and during this fourth dimension the newly hatched chicks feed past absorbing the internal yolk sac. Some breeds sometimes offset eating cracked eggs, which tin become habitual.[42] Hens fiercely guard their chicks, and brood them when necessary to keep them warm, at outset often returning to the nest at night. She leads them to food and water and volition phone call them toward edible items, but seldom feeds them directly. She continues to care for them until they are several weeks erstwhile.

Defensive behaviour

Chickens may occasionally gang up on a weak or inexperienced predator. At least one apparent report exists of a young play tricks killed by hens.[43] [44] [45] A group of hens have been recorded in attacking a hawk that had entered their coop.[46]

If a chicken is threatened by predators, stress, or is sick, there is a chance that they volition puff upwards their feathers.[41]


Sperm transfer occurs by cloacal contact between the male and female, in a maneuver known as the "cloacal kiss".[47] As with birds in general, reproduction is controlled by a neuroendocrine organization, the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-I neurons in the hypothalamus. Locally to the reproductive system itself, reproductive hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) initiate and maintain sexual maturation changes. Over time there is reproductive decline, thought to exist due to GnRH-I-N decline. Because there is pregnant inter-individual variability in egg-producing duration, it is believed to be possible to breed for farther extended useful lifetime in egg-layers.[48]


(Video) Primeval gestation stages and blood circulation of a chicken embryo

Chicken embryos have long been used as model systems to study developing embryos. Large numbers of embryos tin can be provided by commercial chicken farmers who sell fertilized eggs which can be easily opened and used to detect the developing embryo. Equally important, embryologists can deport out experiments on such embryos, close the egg over again and written report the effect later on. For instance, many of import discoveries in the area of limb development have been made using chicken embryos, such as the discovery of the upmost ectodermal ridge (AER) and the zone of polarizing action (ZPA) past John W. Saunders.[49]

In 2006, scientists researching the beginnings of birds "turned on" a craven recessive gene, talpid2, and found that the embryo jaws initiated formation of teeth, like those constitute in ancient bird fossils. John Fallon, the overseer of the project, stated that chickens have "...retained the ability to make teeth, under certain conditions... ."[fifty]

Chicks atop a picture of a genetic map of a chicken. The chicken genome has 39 pairs of chromosomes, whereas the human genome contains 23 pairs

The G. gallus genome has 39 pairs of chromosomes, whereas the human genome contains 23 pairs

Genetics and genomics

Given its eminent role in farming, meat production, but also research, the business firm craven was the first bird genome to be sequenced.[51] At 1.21 Gb, the chicken genome is considerably smaller than other vertebrate genomes, such as the human genome (three Gb). The final gene gear up contained 26,640 genes (including noncoding genes and pseudogenes), with a total of xix,119 poly peptide-coding genes in annotation release 103 (2017), a similar number of protein-coding genes equally in the man genome.[52]


Populations of chickens from high altitude regions like Tibet accept special physiological adaptations that result in a higher hatching rate in low oxygen environments. When eggs are placed in a hypoxic environment, chicken embryos from these populations limited much more hemoglobin than embryos from other chicken populations. This hemoglobin besides has a greater analogousness for oxygen, assuasive hemoglobin to bind to oxygen more readily.[53] [54]

Pinopsins were originally discovered in the chicken pineal gland.[55]


Although all avians appear to have lost TLR9, artificial immunity confronting bacterial pathogens has been induced in neonatal chicks by Taghavi et al 2008 using tailored oligodeoxynucleotides.[56]



Galliformes, the guild of bird that chickens belong to, is directly linked to the survival of birds when all other dinosaurs went extinct. H2o or ground-domicile fowl, like to modern partridges, survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction issue that killed all tree-domicile birds and dinosaurs.[57] Some of these evolved into the modern galliformes, of which domesticated chickens are a master model. They are descended primarily from the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and are scientifically classified as the aforementioned species.[58] As such, domesticated chickens can and do freely interbreed with populations of red junglefowl.[58] Subsequent hybridization of the domestic chicken with greyness junglefowl, Sri Lankan junglefowl and green junglefowl occurred;[59] a gene for xanthous skin, for instance, was incorporated into domestic birds through hybridization with the grey junglefowl (G. sonneratii).[sixty] In a written report published in 2020, it was found that chickens shared betwixt 71% - 79% of their genome with red junglefowl, with the period of domestication dated to viii,000 years agone.[59]

Red junglefowl hen in India

The traditional view is that chickens were offset domesticated for cockfighting in Asia, Africa, and Europe.[2] In the last decade, there have been a number of genetic studies to analyze the origins. Co-ordinate to one early study, a single domestication event of the red junglefowl in what at present is the country of Thailand gave rise to the modern chicken with pocket-sized transitions separating the modern breeds.[61] The red junglefowl, known equally the bamboo fowl in many Southeast Asian languages, is well adjusted to have advantage of the vast quantities of seed produced during the end of the multi-decade bamboo seeding cycle, to boost its own reproduction.[62] In domesticating the chicken, humans took advantage of this predisposition for prolific reproduction of the cherry junglefowl when exposed to big amounts of food.[63]

Exactly when and where the chicken was domesticated remains a controversial issue. Genomic studies estimate that the chicken was domesticated 8,000 years ago[59] in Southeast Asia and spread to Communist china and India 2000–3000 years later. Archaeological evidence supports domestic chickens in Southeast Asia well before 6000 BC, Red china by 6000 BC and Republic of india by 2000 BC.[59] [64] [65] A landmark 2020 Nature study that fully sequenced 863 chickens across the earth suggests that all domestic chickens originate from a single domestication event of red junglefowl whose present-mean solar day distribution is predominantly in southwestern Red china, northern Thailand and Myanmar. These domesticated chickens spread across Southeast and South Asia where they interbred with local wild species of junglefowl, forming genetically and geographically distinct groups. Assay of the near popular commercial breed shows that the White Leghorn breed possesses a mosaic of divergent ancestries inherited from subspecies of red junglefowl.[66] [67] [68]

Middle Eastern chicken remains go dorsum to a picayune earlier than 2000 BC in Syria; chickens went s only in the 1st millennium BC. They reached Egypt for purposes of cockfighting about 1400 BC, and became widely bred just in Ptolemaic Egypt (about 300 BC).[69] Phoenicians spread chickens along the Mediterranean coasts as far as Iberia. During the Hellenistic period (4th–2nd centuries BC), in the Southern Levant, chickens began to be widely domesticated for food.[3] This change occurred at to the lowest degree 100 years before domestication of chickens spread to Europe.

Chickens reached Europe circa 800 BC.[lxx] Convenance increased nether the Roman Empire, and was reduced in the Middle Ages.[69] Genetic sequencing of chicken basic from archaeological sites in Europe revealed that in the High Eye Ages chickens became less aggressive and began to lay eggs earlier in the breeding flavour.[71]

Three possible routes of introduction into Africa effectually the early first millennium Advertizing could have been through the Egyptian Nile Valley, the East Africa Roman-Greek or Indian merchandise, or from Carthage and the Berbers, across the Sahara. The primeval known remains are from Republic of mali, Nubia, Due east Coast, and South Africa and engagement back to the middle of the first millennium Advert.[69]

Domestic chicken in the Americas earlier Western contact is still an ongoing give-and-take, simply blue-egged chickens, found only in the Americas and Asia, suggest an Asian origin for early American chickens.[69]

A lack of information from Thailand, Russia, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa makes information technology difficult to lay out a clear map of the spread of chickens in these areas; meliorate clarification and genetic analysis of local breeds threatened by extinction may also help with research into this surface area.[69]

South America

An unusual variety of chicken that has its origins in South America is the Araucana, bred in southern Chile by the Mapuche people. Araucanas lay blue-green eggs. Additionally, some Araucanas are tailless, and some have tufts of feathers around their ears. It has long been suggested that they pre-appointment the arrival of European chickens brought by the Spanish and are evidence of pre-Columbian trans-Pacific contacts between Asian or Pacific Oceanic peoples, particularly the Polynesians, and South America. In 2007, an international team of researchers reported the results of their analysis of chicken bones constitute on the Arauco Peninsula in southward-central Chile. Radiocarbon dating suggested that the chickens were pre-Columbian, and Dna assay showed that they were related to prehistoric populations of chickens in Polynesia.[72] These results appeared to confirm that the chickens came from Polynesia and that there were transpacific contacts between Polynesia and South America earlier Columbus'southward arrival in the Americas.[73] [74]

Yet, a later written report looking at the same specimens concluded:

A published, apparently pre-Columbian, Chilean specimen and six pre-European Polynesian specimens also cluster with the same European/Indian subcontinental/Southeast Asian sequences, providing no support for a Polynesian introduction of chickens to South America. In contrast, sequences from two archaeological sites on Easter Island group with an uncommon haplogroup from Republic of indonesia, Japan, and China and may stand for a genetic signature of an early Polynesian dispersal. Modeling of the potential marine carbon contribution to the Chilean archaeological specimen casts further doubt on claims for pre-Columbian chickens, and definitive proof will require further analyses of aboriginal DNA sequences and radiocarbon and stable isotope data from archaeological excavations within both Republic of chile and Polynesia.[75]

The debate for and confronting a Polynesian origin for Due south American chickens continued with this 2014 newspaper and subsequent responses in PNAS.[76]

Utilise by humans


A former battery hen, v days after release. Note the stake comb – the comb may exist an indicator of health or vigor.[77]

More than 50 billion chickens are reared annually as a source of meat and eggs.[78] In the U.s. alone, more than than 8 billion chickens are slaughtered each year for meat,[79] and more than than 300 million chickens are reared for egg production.[80]

The vast majority of poultry are raised in factory farms. According to the Worldwatch Constitute, 74 percent of the world'south poultry meat and 68 pct of eggs are produced this way.[81] An alternative to intensive poultry farming is free-range farming.

Friction between these 2 master methods has led to long-term issues of ethical consumerism. Opponents of intensive farming debate that it harms the environment, creates human health risks and is inhumane.[82] Advocates of intensive farming say that their highly efficient systems save land and food resource owing to increased productivity, and that the animals are looked after in state-of-the-art environmentally controlled facilities.[83]

Reared for meat

A commercial chicken house with open sides raising broiler pullets for meat

Chickens farmed for meat are called broilers. Chickens volition naturally live for six or more years, but broiler breeds typically have less than six weeks to reach slaughter size.[84] A gratis range or organic broiler will unremarkably be slaughtered at about fourteen weeks of age.

Reared for eggs

Chickens farmed primarily for eggs are called layer hens. In total, the UK alone consumes more than 34 meg eggs per day.[85] Some hen breeds tin produce over 300 eggs per year, with "the highest authenticated rate of egg laying being 371 eggs in 364 days".[86] Afterward 12 months of laying, the commercial hen's egg-laying ability starts to decline to the point where the flock is commercially unviable. Hens, particularly from bombardment muzzle systems, are sometimes infirm or have lost a significant amount of their feathers, and their life expectancy has been reduced from around seven years to less than ii years.[87] In the U.k. and Europe, laying hens are then slaughtered and used in processed foods or sold as "soup hens".[87] In some other countries, flocks are sometimes force moulted, rather than existence slaughtered, to re-invigorate egg-laying. This involves complete withdrawal of nutrient (and sometimes water) for 7–fourteen days[88] or sufficiently long to cause a body weight loss of 25 to 35%,[89] or up to 28 days under experimental weather condition.[90] This stimulates the hen to lose her feathers, but too re-invigorates egg-product. Some flocks may be forcefulness-moulted several times. In 2003, more than than 75% of all flocks were moulted in the United states of america.[91]

As pets

A 95-year-onetime woman from Havana, Cuba, with her pet rooster

Keeping chickens as pets became increasingly pop in the 2000s[92] amongst urban and suburban residents.[93] Many people obtain chickens for their egg production but oft name them and care for them equally any other pet like cats or dogs. Chickens provide companionship and take private personalities. While many exercise not cuddle much, they will eat from one's hand, bound onto one's lap, respond to and follow their handlers, likewise as testify affection.[94] [95]

Chickens are social, inquisitive, intelligent[96] birds, and many detect their behaviour entertaining.[97] Certain breeds, such as Silkies and many bantam varieties, are generally docile and are frequently recommended as good pets effectually children with disabilities.[98] Many people feed chickens in part with kitchen food scraps.

Backyard heritage chickens eating kitchen food scraps.


A cockfight is a contest held in a band called a cockpit between two cocks known every bit gamecocks. This term, denoting a erect kept for game, sport, pastime or entertainment, appears in 1646,[99] after "cock of the game" used by George Wilson in the earliest known book on the secular sport, The Commendation of Cocks and Cock Fighting of 1607. Gamecocks are non typical farm chickens. The cocks are specially bred and trained for increased stamina and strength. The comb and wattle are removed from a young gamecock because, if left intact, they would exist a disadvantage during a match. This process is called dubbing. Sometimes the cocks are given drugs to increase their stamina or thicken their claret, which increases their chances of winning. Cockfighting is considered a traditional sporting event by some, and an example of animal cruelty by others and is therefore outlawed in most countries.[100] Ordinarily wagers are made on the result of the match, with the survivor or final bird continuing declared winner.

Chickens were originally used for cockfighting, a sport where 2 male person chickens or "cocks" fight each other until i dies or becomes badly injured. Cocks possess congenital assailment toward all other cocks to contest with females. Studies suggest that cockfights take existed even up to the Indus Valley Civilisation as a pastime.[101] Today information technology is commonly associated with religious worship, pastime, and gambling in Asian and some South American countries. While not all fights are to the decease, most utilise metal spurs as a "weapon" attached to a higher place or beneath the chicken's ain spur and with this typically results in death in one or both cocks. If chickens are in practice owners identify gloves on the spurs to preclude injuries. Cockfighting has been banned in virtually western countries and debated by beast rights activist for its brutality.

Artificial incubation

Incubation tin successfully occur artificially in machines that provide the correct, controlled environment for the developing chick.[102] [103] The average incubation period for chickens is 21 days but may depend on the temperature and humidity in the incubator. Temperature regulation is the nearly critical factor for a successful hatch. Variations of more than 1 °C (i.8 °F) from the optimum temperature of 37.5 °C (99.5 °F) will reduce hatch rates. Humidity is also important because the rate at which eggs lose h2o by evaporation depends on the ambient relative humidity. Evaporation can be assessed by candling, to view the size of the alveolus, or by measuring weight loss. Relative humidity should be increased to around 70% in the terminal three days of incubation to continue the membrane effectually the hatching chick from drying out afterward the chick cracks the shell. Lower humidity is usual in the first 18 days to ensure acceptable evaporation. The position of the eggs in the incubator tin can also influence hatch rates. For best results, eggs should be placed with the pointed ends downwardly and turned regularly (at least 3 times per day) until ane to three days earlier hatching. If the eggs aren't turned, the embryo inside may stick to the vanquish and may hatch with physical defects. Adequate ventilation is necessary to provide the embryo with oxygen. Older eggs require increased ventilation.

Many commercial incubators are industrial-sized with shelves property tens of thousands of eggs at a fourth dimension, with rotation of the eggs a fully automated procedure. Home incubators are boxes holding from half-dozen to 75 eggs; they are usually electrically powered, but in the past some were heated with an oil or alkane series lamp.

Diseases and ailments

Chickens are susceptible to several parasites, including lice, mites, ticks, fleas, and intestinal worms, as well equally other diseases. Despite the name, they are not afflicted by chickenpox, which is generally restricted to humans.[104]

Chickens can acquit and transmit salmonella in their dander and feces. In the United states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise confronting bringing them indoors or letting pocket-sized children handle them.[105] [106]

Some of the diseases that tin affect chickens are shown below:

Name Common proper name Crusade
Aspergillosis Aspergillus fungi
Avian influenza bird flu virus
Histomoniasis blackhead disease Histomonas meleagridis
Botulism paralysis Clostridium botulinum toxin
Muzzle layer fatigue mineral deficiency, lack of physical exercise
Campylobacteriosis tissue injury in the gut
Coccidiosis Coccidia
Colds virus
Crop leap Archived 2010-ten-26 at the Wayback Motorcar improper feeding
Dermanyssus gallinae red mite parasite
Egg bounden oversized egg
Erysipelas Streptococcus bacteria
Fat liver hemorrhagic syndrome high-free energy food
Fowl cholera Pasteurella multocida
Fowlpox Fowlpox virus
Fowl typhoid bacteria
Avian infectious laryngotracheitis LT Gallid alphaherpesvirus 1
Gapeworm Syngamus trachea worms
Infectious bronchitis Infectious bronchitis virus
Infectious bursal disease Gumboro infectious bursal disease virus
Infectious coryza in chickens Avibacterium paragallinarum
Lymphoid leukosis Avian sarcoma leukosis virus
Marek's disease Gallid alphaherpesvirus 2
Moniliasis yeast infection
or thrush
Candida fungi
Mycoplasma leaner
Newcastle disease Avian avulavirus 1
Necrotic enteritis Archived 2010-12-16 at the Wayback Car bacteria
Omphalitis Mushy chick disease[107] bacteria
Peritonitis[108] infection in abdomen from egg yolk
Psittacosis Chlamydia psittaci
Pullorum Salmonella bacteria
Scaly leg Knemidokoptes mutans
Squamous cell carcinoma cancer
Tibial dyschondroplasia speed growing
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii
Ulcerative enteritis bacteria
Ulcerative pododermatitis bumblefoot bacteria


An early domestication of chickens in Southeast Asia is likely, since the discussion for domestic craven (*manuk) is role of the reconstructed Proto-Austronesian language (run across Austronesian languages). Chickens, together with dogs and pigs, were the domestic animals of the Lapita culture,[109] the first Neolithic culture of Oceania.[110]

The starting time pictures of chickens in Europe are found on Corinthian pottery of the 7th century BC.[111] [112]

Chickens were spread by Polynesian seafarers and reached Easter Island in the twelfth century AD, where they were the only domestic animal, with the possible exception of the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans). They were housed in extremely solid chicken coops built from stone, which was first reported equally such to Linton Palmer in 1868, who too "expressed his doubts about this".[113]

In culture

Abraxas seen with a chicken's head

The mythological basilisk or cockatrice is depicted as a reptile-similar creature with the upper body of a rooster.[114] [115] Abraxas, a figure in Gnosticism, is portrayed in a similar way as well.[116]


See likewise

  • Abnormal behaviour of birds in captivity
  • Battery Hen Welfare Trust, a Britain charity for laying hens
  • Craven as food
  • Chicken eyeglasses
  • Chicken fat
  • Chicken hypnotism
  • Chicken or the egg
  • Chicken manure
  • Chook raffle – a type of raffle where the prize is a chicken.
  • Early feeding
  • Feral chicken
  • Gamebird hybrids – hybrids between chickens, peafowl, guineafowl and pheasants
  • Henopause
  • Hen and chicks, a type of plant
  • List of craven breeds
  • Poularde
  • Condom craven
  • Sex change in chickens
  • Symbolic chickens
  • "Tastes like craven"
  • Unihemispheric slow-moving ridge slumber
  • Urban chicken keeping
  • "Why did the chicken cross the road?"


  • Craven laugh
  • Cock egg
  • Red Junglefowl
  • Rooster Flag (disambiguation)
  • Rooster of Barcelos

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ The surgical and chemical castration of chickens is now illegal in some parts of the world


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Further reading

  • Light-green-Armytage, Stephen (October 2000). Extraordinary Chickens. Harry N. Abrams. ISBN978-0-8109-3343-9.
  • Smith, Page; Charles Daniel (Apr 2000). The Craven Book. University of Georgia Press. ISBN978-0-8203-2213-1.
  • Andrew Lawler (2014). Why Did the Chicken Cross the World?: The Epic Saga of the Bird that Powers Civilisation. Atria Books. ISBN978-i-4767-2989-3.

External links

  • Chickens at Curlie
  • Video: Chick hatching from egg


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken

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